No Artificial Flavors or Sweeteners.
60g multi-source immediate and sustained release protein and amino acid blend Complex, slow-release carbohydrate blend 5g Creatine Monohydrate per serving Contains peptide-bond and free form amino acids Low fat, no added fats or oils Low sugar, no added sugars Natural formulation no artificial flavors or sweeteners Added L-Glutamine and Ribose Added natural plant-derived Proteolytic Digestive Enzymes. The Pro-Amino multi-source protein blend contains precisely formulated quantities of Whey, Casein, Egg proteins and hydrolysates to yield both an immediate surge of amino acids to stimulate muscle growth, as well as a slow release of amino acids to keep the body in a muscle building state and support muscle growth for several hours.5 Powder This third generation formulation represents over 25 years of product improvements and refinements over the prior formulas, as well as the incorporation of the latest sciences and technology available for muscle gainer formulations, giving you a formulation which is both cutting edge and time tested. We don't load our product up with added sugars and fats.