Venturing for an organic tea that complements your nightly ritual? -- Supporting Digestion: Improve digestion naturally. -- Stress Relief: Unwind and find tranquility with every sip. -- Liver Support: Contains Milk Thistle Extract, known for its supportive properties. -- Digestion Enhancer: Aids in digestion. Key Features: -- Sound Sleep Support: Nature's Finest may help enhance your night's rest. Benefits Include: -- Faster Sleep Initiation: Transition smoothly into sleep. Nature's Finest Night Wellness Tea Introduction: Elevate your evening routine with Nature's Finest Night Wellness Tea. -- Quick Preparation: Instant tea blend ready in moments. Usage Instructions: Effortless preparation. Ingredients: Relish in an instant tea blend, including maltodextrin, white tea extract, Vitamin C, natural peppermint flavor, milk thistle extract, and valerian extract. For Whom is This Product? Seeking Consistent Sleep Patterns? Spoon a teaspoon of the blend into hot or cold water, stir, and immerse yourself in the soothing peppermint essence. If you're pondering, "Which tea can enhance my sleep?" or "How might I naturally aid my digestion?" – Nature's Finest Night Wellness Tea awaits you. This product isn't intended for diagnosing, treating, or preventing any ailment. Slight variations in taste, color, and aroma may occur due to natural ingredient properties without affecting the product's overall quality. A sip towards a tranquil night. Infused with ProValerian™ extract, Nature's Finest Night Wellness Tea is tailored for those aiming for a steady night's rest and relaxation, leading to invigorated mornings. Experience a harmonious herbal blend for a good night sleep tea, stress relief tea. -- Organic Journey: Dive into a nutrient-rich vegan supplement experience. Nature's Finest Night Wellness Tea, rich with herbal sleeping tea ingredients, aligns with your wellness aspirations. Discover tranquility and peace with this organic tea blend, perfectly crafted for those seeking a night of restful slumber. Nutritional Values (per 5g serving): Energy – 74 kJ/ 17 kcal, Fat – 0g, Carbohydrates – 4.2g, Fiber – 0g, Protein – 0g, Salt – 0g, Milk Thistle Extract – 100mg, Valerian Extract – 50mg, Vitamin C – 240mg (300% NRV*) Storage: Preserve in a cool, dry setting. -- Antioxidant Vitamins: Fortified with Vitamin C for overall health. Note: Always consult a healthcare expert before introducing a new supplement, especially if you have existing health concerns. Dive into a serene evening with Nature's Finest Night Wellness Tea. -- 100% Organic: Embrace a vegan-friendly journey to serene nights.
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Night Restore Tea 1+1 , Sleep Tea , Herbal Blend , ProValerian™ , Organic , Vegan , Relaxation
Specifications of Night Restore Tea 1+1 , Sleep Tea , Herbal Blend , ProValerian™ , Organic , Vegan , Relaxation | |
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